RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

September 2, 2024


1 CHRONICLES 5:18-26, 1 CHRONICLES 6:3, 1 CHRONICLES 6:49, 1 CHRONICLES 6:4-15, 1 CHRONICLES 7:1-8:28


Only Aaron and his descendants served as priests. They presented the offerings on the altar of burnt offering and the altar of incense, and they performed all the other duties related to the Most Holy Place. They made atonement for Israel by doing everything that Moses, the servant of God, had commanded them.

1 Chronicles 6:49

My Takeaways

Something Old

These were the leaders of the ancestral clans; they were listed in their genealogical records, and they all lived in Jerusalem.
1 Chronicles 8:28

Something New

  • Back to the future!
  • Levi was a son of Jacob. 
  • His tribe was dedicated to the service of God. 
  • 1 Chronicles 6 records Levi’s family line through Kohath, Gershon, and Merari. 
  • This record was important because the descendants of Levi were assigned specific roles based on which son they descended from. 
  • Aaron was the first High Priest of Israel. 
  • God assigned Aaron’s family the role of offering sacrifices in the Tabernacle. 
  • The Chronicler kept these records for the generations that lived hundreds of years after Levi and Aaron. 
  • These records would allow the Levites to know their role in the worship of the Lord. 
  • Aaron had a specific role. 
  • Each Levitical family had a specific role. 
  • The Old Testament makes it clear God cares about roles. 
  • In the New Testament, God gives instructions on roles. 
  • God speaks specifically about different roles in the family and in the church. 
  • God has assigned different roles to men, women, deacons, elders, and teachers. 
  • When God speaks, we listen and obey. 

Something To Do

Trust God. Obey Him. He knows what He is doing.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference