RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

August 10, 2024


JEREMIAH 16:1-18:23, JEREMIAH 35:1-19

Cursing My Life

This is what the LORD says:
Cursed are those who put their trust in mere humans, who rely on human strength and turn their hearts away from the LORD.

Jeremiah 17:5

My Takeaways

Something Old

Cursed am I when I

  • Rely on my own strength
  • Turn my heart from God

The result

  • Stunted spiritual growth
  • Hopeless future
  • Barren fruitless life

Want a blessed life?

  • Trust the Lord.
  • Make the Lord your hope and confidence.

The result

  • Deep spiritual roots
  • Constant refreshing
  • A full and fruitful life
  • Unaffected by world’s attack

Something New

Jeremiah 17:5-8 and Psalm 1 are very similar.

Something To Do

Don’t bring a curse on my life.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference