RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

August 11, 2024


JEREMIAH 49:1-33, 2 KINGS 24:5-7, 2 CHRONICLES 36:6-8, 2 KINGS 24:8-9, 2 CHRONICLES 36:9, JEREMIAH 22:24-23:32

The Power Of The Word

“Does not my word burn like fire?” says the LORD. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?”

Jeremiah 23:29

My Takeaways

Something Old


  • compares the Word of God to chaff, which has no nutritional value at all, and wheat which can nourish and give life.
  • compares the Word to a hammer that can crush, build, and 

But perhaps my favorite comparison is fire, and how succinctly David Guzik from Enduringword.org 

God’s Word is like a fire that can 

  • warm and comfort
  • burn and cause pain
  • melt the hardest materials
  • that refines and consumes impurity

Adam Clarke’s commentary of this scriptures is flammable!

“Let us take heed lest we think, as some have thought and affirmed, that the sacred writings are quite sufficient of themselves to enlighten, convince, and convert the soul, and that there is no need of the Holy Spirit. Fire itself must be applied by an agent in order to produce its effects; and surely the hammer cannot break the rock in pieces, unless wielded by an able workman. And it is God’s Spirit alone that can thus apply it; for we find it frequently read and frequently spoken, without producing any salutary effects.” - Adam Clarke

Something New

God has a long history of enacting justice, and that makes me happy. I’m so ready for things to be made right.

Something To Do

Let the Word burn, build, and nourish me. Let the Word do its work in my life.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

Save the Date: Determined '24

Join as we study the book of Jude: October 19, 2024 Jude: A Battle for Faith

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference