RTW 2024


RTW 2025RTW 2024RTW 2023Study TipsDetermined Conference

July 21, 2024

Today's study is sponsored


2 KINGS 19:1-19, ISAIAH 37:1-20, 2 CHRONICLES 32:9-19, 2 KINGS 19:20-37, ISAIAH 37:21-38, 2 CHRONICLES 32:20-23

When People Pray Together

Then King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah son of Amoz cried out in prayer to God in heaven.

2 Chronicles 32:20

My Takeaways

Something Old

This portion of scripture aligns with 2 Kings 19:1-5.

“It was the indignity done to Jehovah that stirred these two holy men to the heart.… Oh, that we were possessed with a similar zeal for God, so that we might look at sin as it affects Him, and lament over the awful wrongs which are continually being perpetrated against his holy, loving nature! What an argument this would give us in prayer!” - F.B. Meyer

  • Pray with like-minded people.
  • Pray in agreement.
  • Pray with humbleness.

“Some benefits from praying together are:

  1. Praying together, collectively more prayers are prayed.  Each of us has a unique way of praying and praying together brings a new voice to the need.
  2. Praying together gives me a deep feeling of belonging. When I am part of a group, I feel that I am a necessary part of a greater purpose.
  3. Praying together improves my mood.  Looking out among others and feeling their love and care regardless of how I felt when I began, I leave feeling comforted.
  4. Praying together opens my heart to the needs of the people around me and reminds me that sometimes I can be the answer to someone’s prayer.”

 -  Guidepost: The Power of Praying Together

Something New

What would this be like?

That night the angel of the LORD went out to the Assyrian camp and killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers. When the surviving Assyrians woke up the next morning, they found corpses everywhere.
2 Kings 19:35

Something To Do

Pray together.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2025RTW 2024RTW 2023Study TipsDetermined Conference