RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

July 8, 2024


PSALM 98, PSALM 99, PSALM 100, PSALM 102, PSALM 104

The Old Hundredth

Shout with joy to the LORD, all the earth!
Worship the LORD with gladness.
Come before him, singing with joy.
Acknowledge that the LORD is God!
He made us, and we are his.
We are his people, the sheep of his pasture.
Enter his gates with thanksgiving;
go into his courts with praise.
Give thanks to him and praise his name.
For the LORD is good.
His unfailing love continues forever,
and his faithfulness continues to each generation.

Psalm 100 

My Takeaways

Something Old

Sing a new song to the LORD,
for he has done wonderful deeds.
His right hand has won a mighty victory;
his holy arm has shown his saving power!
Psalm 98:1

Something New

  • https://www.familylife.com/podcast/familylife-today/the-true-story-of-the-pilgrims-part-1/
  • Psalm 100 begins a series of eleven psalms with the theme of the faithfulness of God to all generations. 
  • Psalm 100 is a call to praise. 
  • Psalm 100 is a call to living a life of praise. 
  • Joy and gladness overflow.
  • Thanksgiving and praise result. 
  • Knowing God is the foundation of joy and gladness. 
  • Knowing Truth is the foundation of living a life of thanksgiving. 
  • We know Truths about God. 
  • We are His. 
  • He made us. 
  • He is loving. 
  • He is good. 
  • He is faithful.
  • When we know Truth with our mind, our actions will proceed from that. 
  • Truth informs affections. 
  • Affections inform actions. 
  • Doxology (Live)

Something To Do

Let knowledge inform your affections. Let your affections inform your actions.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference