RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

July 12, 2024



Thy Word

I have rejoiced in your laws
as much as in riches.
I will study your commandments
and reflect on your ways.
I will delight in your decrees
and not forget your word.

Be good to your servant,
that I may live and obey your word.
Open my eyes to see
the wonderful truths in your instructions.
I am only a foreigner in the land.
Don’t hide your commands from me!
I am always overwhelmed
with a desire for your regulations.

Psalm 119:14-20

My Takeaways

Something Old

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
and a light for my path.
Psalm 119:105

Something New

  • The psalmist’s prayer shows us a passionate love for the Word of God. 
  • This love is real. 
  • This love is right. 
  • This love is beautiful. 
  • What does our love for the Word look like? 
  • Why do we clamor for the latest best-seller rather than the only book with the very words of God?
  • Why are we bored reading the Bible?
  • Bible reading isn’t a spiritual gift. 
  • Bible reading is a call for all believers. 
  • Psalm 119 is not “super spiritual Christianity.”
  • Psalm 119 shows us how people realize the gift of the Word of God. 
  • When we open the Bible and read, we know that God is speaking to us. 
  • People are bored with the Bible, because they have forgotten what the Bible is.
  • https://www.desiringgod.org/messages/bible-reading-has-been-my-life
  • Absolute truth. All-surpassing beauty. All-knowing love and wisdom. All from the mind and mouth of God..all in the pages of a book that we hold in our hand. 

Something To Do

Read the Word. Love the Word. Live the Word. 

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference