RTW 2024


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July 1, 2024


2 CHRONICLES 29:3-31:21

Back to the Future

When the festival ended, the Israelites who attended went to all the towns of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim, and Manasseh, and they smashed all the sacred pillars, cut down the Asherah poles, and removed the pagan shrines and altars. After this, the Israelites returned to their own towns and homes.

Hezekiah then organized the priests and Levites into divisions to offer the burnt offerings and peace offerings, and to worship and give thanks and praise to the LORD at the gates of the Temple. The king also made a personal contribution of animals for the daily morning and evening burnt offerings, the weekly Sabbath festivals, the monthly new moon festivals, and the annual festivals as prescribed in the Law of the LORD. In addition, he required the people in Jerusalem to bring a portion of their goods to the priests and Levites, so they could devote themselves fully to the Law of the LORD.

2 Chronicles 31:1-4

My Takeaways

Something Old

In this way, King Hezekiah handled the distribution throughout all Judah, doing what was pleasing and good in the sight of the LORD his God.
2 Chronicles 31:20

Something New

  • The books of 1 and 2 Chronicles are a look back, in order to look forward. 
  • They retell the same stories of different books with an additional purpose. 
  • They also tell additional content to prove the point. 
  • 1 Chronicles 1-9 tell genealogies. 
  • 1 Chronicles 10-25 tells the story of King David. 
  • 1 Chronicles 26-29 tells the story of King David and Solomon. 
  • 2 Chronicles 1-9 tells the story of Solomon from 2 Samuel and 1 Kings. 
  • 2 Chronicles 10-35 tells the stories of the kings of 2 Kings, but only those of the kingdom of Judah. 
  • 2 Chronicles 36 tells the story of the exile of Judah and return by King Cyrus. 
  • Who: The exiles returned to the land. 
  • What: A look back at what happened in the past. 
  • When: After the return
  • Where: Back in the land
  • Why: Perspective in their waiting. 
  • They are in the land. 
  • They are the people…the Jews. 
  • They are building the Temple. 
  • They need the King to come…and He will come!!

Something To Do

Remember that Jesus Christ is at the center of the Bible as a whole…and each book! Look back to look forward!!

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference