“Look, I’m dying of starvation!” said Esau. “What good is my birthright to me now?”
Genesis 25:32
“History shows that men prefer illusions to realities, choose time rather than eternity, and the pleasures of sin for a season rather than the joys of God forever. Men will read trash rather than the Word of God, and adhere to a system of priorities that leaves God out of their lives. Multitudes of men spend more time shaving than on their souls; and multitudes of women give more minutes to their makeup than to the life of the eternal spirit. Men still sell their birthright for a mess of pottage.” - Donald Barnhouse
While Jacob lived up to his name “trickery,” and demonstrated cunning dealings with his brother in the present for a better future, Esau showed contempt for his future for immediate satiation.
Aren’t we sometimes guilty of doing the same as Esau?
Do I:
The security of our inheritance began when we, by faith, trust Christ as our Savior. Our spiritual inheritance is ours to experience now. We can live:Â
With this, and more, as our inheritance available to us now, why would gamble, and trade for something less than and temporary?
For the “and more” click here: Ephesians 1:3-14Â
What blessing it must be for God to see His children living in the later mindset while in the here and now.
I wonder if Isaac ever knew the part Rebekah played in the deception.
Am I more concerned about the now or the later?
Do I carelessly make fleshly transactions with my spiritual inheritance?
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