RTW 2024


RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference

June 23, 2024


2 KINGS 15:32-38, 2 CHRONICLES 27:1-9, MICAH 1:1-16, 2 KINGS 16:1-9, 2 CHRONICLES 28:1-15, ISAIAH 7:1-25

Making The Wrong Call

King Ahaz then went to Damascus to meet with King Tiglath-pileser of Assyria. While he was there, he took special note of the altar. Then he sent a model of the altar to Uriah the priest, along with its design in full detail.

2 Kings 16:10

My Takeaways

Something Old

Turning to an enemy for help

  • We rob from God.
  • We anger God.
  • We hurt God.
  • We disappoint God.
  • We play right into Satan’s hands.
  • We create more chaos and trouble for ourselves.
  • We invite discipline from God.

Turning to an enemy for rescue will cost us more than it’s worth.

“Whatever keeps me from my Bible is my enemy, however harmless it may appear to be.” - A.W. Tozer

Who is your enemy?

  • Is it self?
  • Is it education?
  • Is it more money?
  • Is it a relationship?

Ahaz made Judah a subject kingdom to Assyria. Ahaz now took his orders from the Assyrian king, sacrificing the independence of the kingdom of Judah.

  • But in my distress, I cried out to the LORD; yes, I prayed to my God for help. He heard me from his sanctuary; my cry to him reached his ears. 
    Psalm 18:6‍
  • In my distress I called to the LORD, and he answered me.
    Psalm 120:1 (ESV)
  • ‍The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth.
    Psalm 145:18 (ESV)

Something New

Isaiah assures Ahaz of victory.

How often do I not trust God’s promises of walking victories?

Something To Do

Make the right call during times of distress.

A Quick Word

Mark as Complete

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RTW 2024RTW 2023RTW 2022Study TipsDetermined Conference