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January 15, 2023


GENESIS 40:1-23, GENESIS 35:28-29, GENESIS 41:1-57

When A Setback Sets In

So, he took Joseph and threw him into the prison where the king’s prisoners were held, and there he remained.
Genesis 39:20

(Yes, it is from the end of yesterday’s reading. Good observation!)

My Take Aways

Something Old

The pit (personal intense trial) does not mean we are out of God’s protection, or away from His care. It means that we are putting in time to prepare us for what is next.

We often see our season of trial as a setback. But what if what we see it as a setback, is really a reset, and a set up for a great comeback?

A perspective change can change everything.

View the setback to a comeback season as a place to:

  • strengthen your spiritual gifts (He interpreted the dreams of the baker and cup bearer.)
  • love and care for others.
  • demonstrate trust in God and His plan for your life.
  • witness to others the power and goodness of God.

Something New

Nosy me wants to know…

How did the cup bearer and the baker offend Pharoah?

Sometime later, Pharaoh’s chief cup-bearer and chief baker offended their royal master.
Genesis 40:1

Something To Do

This is a setback Wendy, a reset for a comeback. Trust God. Be faithful in the p.i.t.

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