RTW 2022


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March 11, 2022


NUMBERS 34:1-36:13

A Beneficiary

The LORD said to Moses, “Give these instructions to the Israelites; When you come in the land of Canaan, which I am giving you as your special possession, these will be the boundaries.”
Numbers 34:1-2

My Takeaways

Something Old


  • a person or group that receives benefits, profits, or advantages.
  • a person designated as the recipient of funds or other property under a will, trust, insurance policy, etc.

The Abrahamic Covenant is an unconditional covenant (Genesis 12:1–3):

  • A specific land
  • A very large family
  • A promise of blessing and redemption, all the earth would be blessed through Abraham.

The magnitude of this hit me today: these people are receiving the promise made to someone else.

  • What have I received because of someone else’s faithfulness and obedience?
  • What has someone received because of my faithfulness and obedience?
  • What will someone receive because of my faithfulness and obedience?

I am a beneficiary of the Abrahamic Covenant.

And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. Romans 4:23-24

If you are in Christ, you are a beneficiary:

And when God counted him as righteous, it wasn’t just for Abraham’s benefit. It was recorded for our benefit, too, assuring us that God will also count us as righteous if we believe in him, the one who raised Jesus our Lord from the dead. Romans 4:23-24

Something New

God made cities of refuge on the east side of the river. This is very interesting to me.

Something To Do

Celebrate and live worthy of being a beneficiary of the Abraham’s promise.

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