RTW 2022


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February 1, 2022


EXODUS 1:1-2:25, 1 CHRONICLES 6:1-3, EXODUS 3:1-4:17

Release To Reach

“Throw it down on the ground,” the LORD told him. So, Moses threw down the staff, and it turned into a snake! Moses jumped back.
Exodus 4:3

My Takeaways

Something Old

What we are holding onto can serve a purpose in the human sense (Moses used the staff for shepherding), hold us back from God’s best (when I hang on to it, I miss out on God’s plan.), or set us free (and used for His glory).

What’s in your hand?


  • rightness
  • hurt
  • pride
  • control
  • forgiven sin
  • sin that hasn’t been forgiven
  • unforgiveness
  • talent
  • time
  • money
  • doubt
  • bitterness
  • anger

God often uses the very thing we release to reach others.

Something New

Were the midwives permitted to lie?

The Lie of the Midwives

Something To Do

What do I need to release?

Hang in there, the song starts around 35 seconds in.

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